It’s because the surface book added an Office button which was just a macro for Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Win
More recently, “LShift+Win+F23” opens Copilot
Tom Scott says: “then, it presses the F24 key.”
That’s bullshit. F13-F36 should be reserved for user macros and remain unused by default in user applications.
Never used an iSeries I see
I thought I was somewhat of a power user, but this is the first time I’ve ever heard of there being function keys beyond F12 :C
More recently, “LShift+Win+F23” opens Copilot
That’s insane considering 99% of users have never heard of F23 and the ones who know use a separate shortcut to activate it. I’ve never seen a keyboard with all 24 function keys.
Because you weren’t around when the keyboards were gigantic. IBM keyboard
That’s nothing…that keyboard don’t even have the trackball
It’s beautiful
That’s the point. The new copilot key emulates shift+win+f23 because they expect that nobody is using f23
Oh shit i gotta be careful. F23 is what i “push” via python script to keep my teams status green…
Please share ty
I think the library is called pyautogui and you just make the script push whatever button every x seconds. I think the teams timeout is like 5min.
Remember when they would actually add an option for obscure use cases like this? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
what does “pepperbridge farm members” have to do anything with the rest of the universe?
I’m pretty sure that pretty much the whole Windows API is written like this to work around developers’ buggy code
I just have a mouse jiggle app