So, let’s keep it simple to start.
How have you been? Where are you in your journey?
I’ve been on an emotional rollercoaster of sorts for a while but we won’t get into that.
I’ve just hit 6mo on HRT and last week I learned…
drumroll please
I finally love myself! Something that has taken me 30 years to learn to do. And that final piece of the puzzle was to embrace myself as Olivia ❤️
So, how have you been? What’s on your mind?
- O✌🏻
Can you DIY?
Please be strong 🫂
If you ever want to let me know and I can get you into contact with some people who are very knowledgeable and have expierence with it.
Just In case, you might have replied to the wrong person, thank you very much nonetheless<3
I meant to reply to you
Edit: wait no I didn’t you’re right. Offer is up for you if you want it as well
:P I’m good, if things go south I can count on you?
Im too scared to DIY :c